Dominique Battles, English
Sequencing Assignments for W1 Courses
Here is the basic checklist of Writing Skills appropriate to a W1 Course.
Thesis Topic Sentences Paragraphing
Transitions Active Voice Introduction
Conclusion Handling Opposition Using Evidence
Quoting Comparative Analysis Information Literacy (Librarian)
Below is a sample plan for covering these skills over the course of the term. Drawing from the list above, use each paper for the course to introduce and target some of the skills, adding skills with each new paper. By the end of term, you will have covered all of them. There are handy lessons for teaching these skills on the Writing Website for Hanover College:
Paper 1: A Single Source Paper that targets Thesis, Topic Sentences,
Paragraphing, use of Evidence, Quoting, and Handling Opposition.
Paper 2: A Single Source Paper that introduces and targets Transitions, Active
Voice, the Introduction, and the Conclusion, while reinforcing the skills
targeted in Paper 1.
Paper 3: A Multiple Source Paper that introduces and targets Comparative Analysis,
Information Literacy, while reinforcing the skills covered in Papers 1 and 2.
Some Basic Principles of the plan:
- Students only get graded on skills covered up to that point. (Ex. Even though students will write an introduction for Paper 1, they do not lose points on the Introduction, since that skill is not covered until Paper 2).
- The papers build in level of complexity.
- The most essential basic skills are introduced in Paper 1 so they received maximum reinforcement through subsequent papers.
- Feel free to reuse/repeat lessons for each paper (e.g. Thesis, Topic Sentences). Students benefit from each repetition of key concepts.
Questions?: contact Dominique Battles, English,